The master planned town of Viera, Florida keeps growing and attracting new residents with its upscale, Brevard County homes for sale. In response, school administrators have an eye on some growth of their own. They want to prevent overcrowding in existing Viera schools and maintain the best in quality education for Viera residents. Specifically, Brevard County Public Schools leaders are proposing a new elementary school. Planning in the works would have construction starting in 2019. The school would open for the 2020-21 school year. What’s new in Viera? It’s the whole package in quality of life with great neighborhoods, homes and schools.
What’s New in Viera Makes for the Most in Gracious Living
The proposed school will hold 850 students. It will have plenty of facilities to serve the growing education needs of the area. It will greatly improve the performance level of Viera schools. It will give a boost to the area as one of the best for Space Coast living.
The school is one of two proposed in roughly the same timeline. The other is meant to serve West Melbourne. In the proposal for both schools, costs would be covered through capital reserves and school impact fees. Impact fees would be assessed on new residential construction projects. As a result, the school district would avoid borrowing money to meet the new schools’ needs. While the cost coverage proposal meets with some challenges, ongoing discussions and planning should meet with success.
What’s new in Viera? It’s and even better lifestyle, with some of the most in living, learning, working and playing! If you would like to find out more about Viera schools and one of the best places to live in Florida, take a look at For info on homes, browse Viera real estate. Contact an expert on the area for details.