When you are a home buyer, not much makes the whole process more satisfying than getting cash back at closing. Although, that kind of offer cannot be commonly found. In fact, you typically have to look for it in many real estate services available to you. Also, the selling point may not be just in the lure of cash back. Of course, that’s a big deal. At the same time, you naturally want the same quality of service you would get if no rebate was in the offering. That said, at least in one area of Florida, buyers can have it all. Brevard County home buyers get cash back rebates at closing and full, quality real estate services. Plus, they don’t need to look anywhere beyond Brevard County Realty to find the complete solution, with a big pay off in results and cash back.
Brevard County Home Buyers Get Cash Back Rebates at Closing and Full, Quality Real Estate Services
Now, most of us agree that getting the best possible service and money back in the end is not just Nice, it’s Awesome! Although, how does Brevard County Realty do it? After all, not many real estate brokerages make that claim.
Brevard County home buyers get cash back rebates at closing thanks to a special leverage in buyers agent commissions. For example, agents typically earn about 3% commission. By the way, that’s paid by the seller at closing. Then, the agent shares their commission with the brokerage, as a standard. Although, at Brevard County Realty, Working For You is our standard. As a result, we share our commission with the buyer. That means we give you an immediate cash back rebate. And, its a rebate worth thousands. In fact, we share up to 35% of the commission!
Do you want to get cash back when you close on your new Brevard County home? Do you want superior service, through the whole buying process? You can have that. You can expect it, with the Brevard County Realty team on the job. What are you waiting for? Why not give them a call today?