Brevard County, FL MLS Search

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Brevard County, FL Property Listing Search and Homes Available

For the last two years, the story was that there’s no inventory for sale in Florida’s space coast, that there was a housing shortage, and that’s why we saw prices skyrocketing. Then there were other folks that pointed out over and over again that people weren’t putting their homes on the market after they’d just refinanced at 2%, and that these people now owned homes that they were going to ride up the hottest real estate market ever where prices soared 20% or 30% or more per year, and then they’d maybe decide to sell if it goes up more? Well, the market is definietely correcting with interest rate hike this years. We are seeing active listings shoot up and you can see them all with our free MLS search. Just enter your criteria and search.

There is also “shadow inventory” that is now coming on the market, just when mortgage rates have spiked, and sales are declining. And to get things moving, price reductions are spiking. These kind of deals usually have motivated sellers willing to accept below asking price offers.

Active listings jumped in June by 20% from May, and by 19% from a year ago, the second year-over-year increase in a row, after an 8% jump in May, and both were the first year-over-year increases since June 2019. There were about 98,000 more homes listed for sale in June than a year ago, according to data from the National Association of Realtors today.


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